About Us

Inspiring a new century of model rocketeers

New Century Rocketry was started by Jonathon Hill. Its name was chosen as a nod to his favorite rocket company of yesteryear, Centuri Engineering Corporation.

Always fascinated by anything that flies, Jonathon is a BAR ("born again rocketeer") who got into model rocketry as a teen, got busy with life, and when life got too busy with him, returned to model rocketry.

Christmas 2022

On the Christmas of 2022, his loving wife Amanda got him an Estes Tandem-X starter set. That set had TWO rockets, and they made babies... Now his poor wife is swimming in rockets, wondering what she was thinking.

New Century Rocketry aims to recapture the aesthetic and cool factor from the rockets of the last century and combine them with the new 3d printing, composite propulsion, and electronic payload capabilities of this new century.